
No deposits only earnings
100, - CZK get right for registration
You get up to 5, - CZK per eRmail
Multiple benefits for our users


Read promotional emails, you do not earn any money. If, perhaps, it will certainly be just pennies. Nobody does not pay you to read e-mail advertising ......

These and similar speculation circulating on the Internet spread like wildfire. Project However, once again proved how deep they might "Chytrolín" error. He proved that by reading promotional messages will be income.

"When you start a project, we count on the fact that people are skeptical hold promise in return, because providing such a high return in the Czech market, no one," says the founder of the project, Mr. Šmrha.

Thousands of users have begun to enjoy their reward

In fact, its loyal users really pays off, so it can not be in doubt. The evidence is the user who is not ashamed to have to check with your 1000, the winners of the gallery - CZK proud of the screen.

"When you create a project started eRmail we must set the conditions for the award of active users in its implementation. Only under these conditions can affect the time eRmail market mutual satisfaction."

1000 CZK in your pocket

If you are not among those who usually located million crowns just on the street, then there is nothing more to try than to receive education eRmail projects.

Registration is free, and is not liable. If you find this form of money is not satisfied, you simply can unsubscribe service.

Sign eRmail here >>

Survey among users show a significant long-term phenomenon. Many users to read e-mail advertising is not only the prospect of profit, but also out of curiosity.

Most spam is a very interesting offer services and products, which ordinary users from other media will never know.

"Last year, I experienced one of the quietest feed Christmas gift thank mail from my understanding on the internet there are many new and exciting products, which gave me a lot with all the care and invention hunting gift :), "he said (only) Mrs. Vlasta K. from Chomutov.





Get to Me on the promised reward?
This is the only question you should ask yourself. We do not think you should be concerned about whether we will pay all our registered users. You should care if you get paid. And we promise you that if you are active users, so you will not miss your reward.

Gallery below is the clear proof. These people did not address rumors on the internet, regularly click through and today because richer.

Each of us paid user receives in addition to sums also a symbolic check with which to then take a picture. As a thank you for photo submissions and consent to the publication will receive an additional bonus reward. The person in the photo must keep our check because we knew that if we publish photos only paid a user without a check, she found it again plenty of experts who would be informed claimed that the photos are downloaded from the Internet and that just nevyplácíme.

We hope we will not have to travel across the country and record video chats with users paid only to those rumors subsided on the internet :)

More facts about
Let us clarify here the other things that some pisálci understand.

- Transition to higher levels is entirely voluntary. This means that our system will automatically do anyone ever higher levels does not switch. Each user himself decides whether to move to a higher level. We have it so well described in the GTC and other information windows on

- A database of email addresses to anyone sell. Why? The reasons are now two and vital.
First by selling to a third party database, we broke the law on personal data protection.
2. The fact that the database only my own and no one else, is absolutely crucial for us to be able to operate eRmail.

Man should not even attack it, we could have some benefit from the sale of our contacts database to third parties.

- Become a target reward unfortunately takes a bit longer than we originally planned. Unfortunately, even play a role called experts and Chytrolín who publish on the Internet meaningless information and eRmail gossiping. Some users will believe it and stop ermail use and thus indirectly harm others.

eRmail because it works so that the more we have, the faster everyone gets to the target amount.

- ERmail is not just about the reward. Many users wrote to us that thanks eRmailu they managed to get gifts for Christmas, they managed to solve the financial situation, vacation, discover new websites and services on which it had previously clue etc. And our clients, who in our advertising campaigns implemented, also confirm that our users are not just machines odklikávání emails, but it offers really interesting to read and use.

Have we forgotten something?
If you feel that we have forgotten some things to clarify, please write to us subject to info [at] Your questions may then occur here is our answer.

When 1 + 1 is not 2
On the Internet caught on a simple argument against eRmailu is inserted at first glance very logically:

"If eRmail over 800,000 users, then it would have to have over 800 million, to be able to pay all".

This statement only shows ignorance and utter ignorance of the issue of people who have these and similar arguments publish :)

We fortunately do not need that much money. Why?

First, not all users have the patience to wait for it to reach the výběrečnou amount.
Second, not all users use our program "recommend" to the fullest.
3. Not all users have registered on the same day. Registration takes place gradually.
4. Not all users comply with the Terms and Conditions ..
5. No all users click regularly on all promotional emails.

For these and other reasons, it is clear that users are to receive their rewards gradually and many users will stop eRmailu pay and get paid so ever.

Get to Me on the promised reward?
This is the only question you should ask yourself. We do not think you should be concerned about whether we will pay all our registered users. You should care if you get paid. And we promise you that if you are active users, so you will not miss your reward.

Gallery below is the clear proof. These people did not address rumors on the internet, regularly click through and today because richer.

Each of us paid user receives in addition to sums also a symbolic check with which to then take a picture. As a thank you for photo submissions and consent to the publication will receive an additional bonus reward. The person in the photo must keep our check because we knew that if we publish photos only paid a user without a check, she found it again plenty of experts who would be informed claimed that the photos are downloaded from the Internet and that just nevyplácíme.

We hope we will not have to travel across the country and record video chats with users paid only to those rumors subsided on the internet :)

More facts about
Let us clarify here the other things that some pisálci understand.

- Transition to higher levels is entirely voluntary. This means that our system will automatically do anyone ever higher levels does not switch. Each user himself decides whether to move to a higher level. We have it so well described in the GTC and other information windows on

- A database of email addresses to anyone sell. Why? The reasons are now two and vital.
First by selling to a third party database, we broke the law on personal data protection.
2. The fact that the database only my own and no one else, is absolutely crucial for us to be able to operate eRmail.

Man should not even attack it, we could have some benefit from the sale of our contacts database to third parties.

- Become a target reward unfortunately takes a bit longer than we originally planned. Unfortunately, even play a role called experts and Chytrolín who publish on the Internet meaningless information and eRmail gossiping. Some users will believe it and stop ermail use and thus indirectly harm others.

eRmail because it works so that the more we have, the faster everyone gets to the target amount.

- ERmail is not just about the reward. Many users wrote to us that thanks eRmailu they managed to get gifts for Christmas, they managed to solve the financial situation, vacation, discover new websites and services on which it had previously clue etc. And our clients, who in our advertising campaigns implemented, also confirm that our users are not just machines odklikávání emails, but it offers really interesting to read and use.

Have we forgotten something?
If you feel that we have forgotten some things to clarify, please write to us subject to info [at] Your questions may then occur here is our answer.

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    三 何


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